“Honey Bea”- Dream Dachshund Rescue
Dr. Cara McNamee
Honey Bea is a 6 year old female dachshund mix who came to us in October soon after we started seeing patients at Canine PhD. She sustained a back injury due to intervertebral disc disease in August and had surgery to remove the damaged disc material at North Georgia Veterinary Specialists. After surgery, she had limited use of her back legs and was urinary and fecal incontinent.
Honey Bea, a dachshund mix, performing rehabilitation exercises
On presentation, she had limited motor movement in her hindlimbs, and significant muscle atrophy over her lower back. We started acupuncture, laser therapy, manual therapy, and therapeutic exercise weekly, and after 2 weeks she had regained some motor control in her hindlimbs, though she wasn’t yet able to stand on her own.
After 6 weeks, she was able to push herself into a stand, and we stopped acupuncture after about 8 weeks and started underwater treadmill therapy once we moved into our new building. She became increasingly more in control of her urination and defecation as well.
We have continued to see Honey Bea almost weekly for therapy, and her coordination and balance in her hindlimbs has continued to improve. She is able to run without assistance and has regained a significant amount of muscle mass. Given her breed, she is at risk for re-injuring herself so ongoing therapy will be geared towards gaining strength, coordination, and injury prevention.
We continue to work on strength and coordination but look at Honey Bea go!