Myasthenia Gravis- a Zebra cause of Hind End Weakness
In rehab, we see a lot of dogs that present for hind end weakness. There can be many causes, ranging from arthritis, ligament strains or tears, to disc disease and spinal strokes. One unusual cause of hind end weakness can be caused by an autoimmune disease, myasthenia gravis.

“Honey Bea”- Dream Dachshund Rescue
Honey Bea is a 6 year old female dachshund mix who came to us in October soon after we started seeing patients at Canine PhD. She sustained a back injury due to intervertebral disc disease and had very little movement in her hind limbs. We started acupuncture, laser therapy, manual therapy, and therapeutic exercise weekly, and after 2 weeks she had regained some motor control in her hindlimbs, though she wasn’t yet able to stand on her own…